The Roman aqueduct

Near the village of Pont d'Ael, located on the right of the road that leads from Aymavilles to Cogne, stands a Roman-era aqueduct-bridge over the Grand-Eyvia stream. It is a grandiose work in masonry and freestone blocks, about 56 meters high and more than 50 meters long.

The monument had the function of an aqueduct-bridge. It is, in fact, divided into two levels: an upper duct paved with large squared stone slabs which allowed the passage of water, and a lower walkway, about one meter wide and suitably ventilated and illuminated, which allowed the transit of men and animals .

The known examples of private aqueducts that are not connected to a villa or land holding are very rare; the bridge-aqueduct of Pont d'Ael, in fact, stands out precisely because it pertains to the use of water for "industrial" purposes, supplying the water necessary for the extraction and processing of the Bardiglio marble whose quarries have been identified further downstream, in the locality of Paese in the municipality of Aymavilles. This type of marble has a color ranging from gray-blue to veined pearl-gray and it is not difficult to recognize it in most of the public and private monuments of Roman Aosta.

The recent research, restoration and enhancement works on the Pont d'Ael site in Aymavilles consisted, in a series of archaeological excavation campaigns carried out both on the upper walkway and along the orographic left bank, in the complete conservative restoration of the bridge-aqueduct , in the creation of a visit itinerary and in the recovery of an adjacent building destined to become the Interpretation Center of the site.

The enhancement project has allowed the reconstitution of the original circular route thus allowing visitors, after having passed through the upper duct, to enter the pedestrian level through the access on the left bank and exit by gaining the right bank where it will be reproduced, thanks to a steel footbridge, the ancient Roman service road carved out of the natural rock and which today in part no longer exists due to the shale and friable nature of the local rock.

11010 Aymavilles (AO)

Telephone: +39 0165 273247 - +39 329 3761629

From 25 March to 30 September: from 9.00 to 19.00, every day

From 1st to 31st October: from 10.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 17.00, Saturday and Sunday

In the location information for guided tours, educational workshops and other cultural activities organized on the site.

Times are subject to change: it is advisable to check them by contacting the telephone numbers shown.

Whole: €3.00

Reduced: € 2.00 (groups of at least 25 paying people, university students, specific agreements)

Reduced minors: € 1.00 (children aged between 6 and 18, school groups)

Free (children up to 6 years old)

persons with disabilities in possession of the certification pursuant to law 104/92 and their companions

The purchase of the ticket is only necessary if you want to access the covered passage.



Request information

relaisdufoyer en the-pont-d-ael 011
Località Panorama, 37
11024 Chatillon (Ao)
Tel. +39 0166/511251
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